Six foods that help ease constipation.
Constipation is a common problem and characterized by fewer than three bowel movements per week. Believe it or not, chronic constipation – infrequent bowel movements or difficulty passing stool that lasts for several weeks – affects around 60 million Americans.
Did you know that by making small changes to your diet you can help move things along?
Foods high in fiber and water can help alleviate constipation, in addition to….
If you want to keep things moving, avoid low fiber foods and dairy products. Also, stay clear of processed foods, French fries, and chips.
Dehydration, stress, and inactivity can all contribute to constipation. So, if you suffer from chronic constipation it’s likely not just your diet causing a problem. Stress can do awful things to our bodies. Don’t rely on laxatives. Come in and see me and we’ll get you back to your healthy self.