Wellness Wednesday: Fact or Fiction – Treating Epilepsy with the Keto Diet

About 2.5 to 3 million people in the U.S. have epilepsy. Additionally, about one in 26 people will experience recurring seizures.

New research confirms that the Keto diet can reduce the risk of Epileptic seizures.  But why?  Because there is a direct link between bacteria in our gut and how it affects seizures.  A Keto diet  encourages growth of bacteria in our gut; when we support bacteria in the gut, along with tapping into stored fat, it reduces risk of Epileptic seizures.

Listen in to Dr. Sean and Melanie to learn more…

  • What is the Keto diet, what can and can’t we eat?
  • What success have researchers had using the Keto diet to treat Epilepsy?
  • How did mice and their gut bacteria relate to seizure risk?
  • Is there value to someone prone to having seizures taking a Ketone Supplement?