Miracle Minute! What The McCaffrey Method can do for stroke rehab!

A patient had suffered a stroke and could no longer lift her shoulder. MMR (Muscle Memory Reintegration) really takes the cake here. MMR is part of The McCaffrey Method, you won’t find either system in any clinic in the country except mine. I invented both The McCaffrey Method and MMR – it neurologically resets the connection between brain and muscle tissue. MMR is a technique of my method. The technique works on ANY musculoskeletal injury where muscle tissue isn’t torn. This allows for rapid healing, patients can literally FEEL it’s worked.

#MiracleMinute! A patient had suffered a stroke and could no longer lift her shoulder. MMR (Muscle Memory Reintegration) really takes the cake here. MMR is part of The McCaffrey Method, you won’t find either system in any clinic in the country except mine. I invented both The McCaffrey Method and MMR - it neurologically resets the connection between brain and muscle tissue. MMR is a technique of my method. The technique works on ANY musculoskeletal injury where muscle tissue isn’t torn. This allows for rapid healing, patients can literally FEEL it’s worked. #CommonSenseHealthcare

Posted by McCaffrey Health Center on Tuesday, October 9, 2018

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